Lace fence

Combining the craft of lacemaking with the industrial chain link fence, Lace fence shows how something which was meant purely functional can also be decorative. Chain link fence, that is usually a symbol of privacy, denial and even hostility now became something celebratory and domestic. 
Hostility versus kindness, industry versus craft.

After graduating with only 6 square meters of Lace Fence, they were overwhelmed by the response from the architect world. 

'So much as that, one year later I left The Netherlands to set up a sustainable production in Bangalore, IndiaJoep says. 'It took me two years full time in India to set up, build and train a team, together with my two partners Jeroen and Judith in the Netherlands.’ 

They had no idea that ten years later it would grow out to a 30 headed team that designs, produces and delivers custom Lace Fence projects allover the world. 

Lace fence was awarded multiple times (among which the Renee Smeets award and the Toon van Tuyl award for sustainable design) and is amongst the most published Dutch designs globally.  

Centre Pompidou Paris
Boimans van Beuningen Museum Rotterdam
Inquiries: Redfort